INTO for Guesty Special Features

Maximize your productivity by using INTO AI to augment the tone, language and length of your responses in mere seconds. This article will outline how to become a Super Agent by making the most of the special features we have created for you! 

Change Tone

Description: Instantly modify the tone of your message. While the generated response remains factually correct, you have the flexibility to change the tone based on different variables to better suit the direction of the conversation. 

How to use: Once there is a response in the message box, you can simply click the arrow to the right of the compose button and hover over “Change tone”. Then select the tone you are looking for. Currently, the tones available are as follows;

  • Less apologetic
  • Assertive
  • Casual
  • Formal
  • Friendly
  • Funny

Note: The AI models we use are built to be helpful and empathetic, so sometimes they may say more than you would or be overly professional or apologetic. 

💡 Pro Tips: 

  1. Save yourself minutes of re-writing by using this feature to quickly change the tone of the response to your liking. 
  2. Try matching the tone of your customer! While the AI will attempt to do this by default, your expertise is still needed! 
  3. Special Note to Owners and Managers:
  • For All Customers: Simply direct your agents to always use “change tone” to modify the tone of the response based on your brands needs.  
  • For Premium Customers: If you are struggling to maintain a consistent brand tone, we can augment your business rules to set a default tone in your account. 


Description: Communicate with your Guests seamlessly in their native tongue using the “translate” feature. INTO AI will always automatically generate messages in the language used by the guest. 

How to use: Select the arrow beside the “Compose” button and choose translate. Then just pick the language you want and select it. 

💡 Pro Tip: 

Translation will work on any words contained in the message box. You can use this to translate back and forth between your preferred language and the guests to ensure accuracy of the information you are providing. No more need for Google Translate!

Note: Current languages Supported are as follows;

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Mexican Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Dutch
  • Chinese 
  • Japanese

Note: If you have a request to add a new language, please email and we will get right on it! 

Fix Spelling & Grammar

Description: AI will review and correct for spelling and grammar mistakes on any response contained within the message box. This feature is only needed when a message is written by the agent or a saved reply is used. 

How to use: Simply type your message, select the arrow beside the compose button and select “Fix spelling & grammar” and Voila, your response will be perfect. 

💡 Pro Tip: If you are using Compose 99% of the time, you probably won’t need this feature very often as we do this automatically on the Ai suggested responses we generate for you. 

Rephrase, Make Shorter and Make Longer

Description: Don’t like the way the response came out? Was it too long or too short? Fine tune your response by selecting one of these modification features. 

How to use: Once a response is in the message box, select “Rephrase”, “Make Shorter” or “Make Longer” by selecting the arrow beside the compose button and making a selection. 

💡 Pro Tips:

  1. Stay conversational by using Rephrase to make a saved reply less robotic or formal.
  2. Making a response longer will result in a more thorough and empathetic response. 
  3. Short and sweet is sometimes the best approach. Get to the point by making it shorter instead of taking time to delete certain parts of your message.

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